Saturday 1 April 2017

EXP 1 : The Effect Of Different Amount Of Peg On The Physical Characteristics Of Suppository

TITLE: The Effect Of Different Amount Of Peg On The Physical Characteristics Of Suppository

1. To calibrate suppository mould with PEG before preparing medicated suppositories.
2. To determine the effect of different compositions of PEG base on the physical characteristics of suppositories.


Suppositories are solid, single dose preparations of various sizes, shapes and weights that are suitable for rectal administration. They are capable of being easily inserted into the intended orifice where they melt at body temperature, soften or dissolve to produce their effect. Suppository bases usually employed are cocoa butter, glycerinated gelatin, hydrogenated vegetable oils and polyethylene glycol (PEG). The type of material used depends on the type of suppository, the type of drug and the conditions in which the suppository is stored. Ideal suppository should be stable during storage condition and exist in solid form at room temperature; not irritate and produce inflamed sensation in body cavity; not reacts with drugs and additives; release the medicaments readily; melt at body temperature or dissolve or disperse in body fluids.
PEG suppository bases and glycerinated gelatin are the most popular in the class of water soluble bases. PEG are available in a variety of molecular weight range from the low-molecular-weight-liquid PEG 300 to the high-molecular-weight solid PEG 8000, which can allow the individual weight to be altered to prepare a base with specific melting point and hardness. An individual PEG can be used as a base itself or two or more PEGs can be used in combination. The different compositions of PEG bases used in combination can affect the physical characteristics of the suppositories.

Analytical balance                                           4 x Weighing boats
1 x Suppository mould set                               4 x 50 mL beaker
Water bath at 37Oc                                         2 x Glass rod
1 x Spatula                                                     1 x 5 mL pipette and pipette bulb
Hotplate                                                         1 x 5 mL measuring cylinder

Polyethylene glycol (PEG) 1000                      Distilled water
Polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000                      Liquid paraffin

Calibration of Suppository Molds with PEG Base
For this calibration exercise, use 10 g of the following proportions of PEG 1000 and PEG 6000.
Percentage (%)
Weight Basis (g)
PEG 1000
PEG 6000

To calibrate the mold with PEG suppository base:
1. A mold is cleaned and dried without lubricating it.
2. 6g of PEG 1000 is melt on a hot plate, then, the heat is reduced before being mixed in the other PEG.
3. The mixture is removed from the heat and is allowed to cool before pouring into the mold.
4. The cavities in the mold is overfill when pouring. The mold is left stand at room temperature until it become solid.
5. The excess is removed carefully with a hot spatula; then the suppositories are removed from the mold.
6. The suppositories are weighed and the total weight is recorded. The average suppository weight is calculated.

Preparing saturated stock of Paracetamol

Pouring the sample into lubricated suppository case

Preparation of paracetamol suppositories
1. Saturated stock solution of paracetamol is prepared by adding 10 g of paracetamol in 5 mL distilled water.
2. The following paracetamol suppository (10 g) is prepared using the formulation below:
PEG 1000 (g)
PEG 6000 (g)
Paracetamol stock solution (g)
Total (g)

3. One type of PEG is melted on a hot plate, then, the heat is reduced and mixed in the other PEG. 1g of paracetamol stock solution is added and mixed in the mixture.
4. The mixture is removed from the heat and is allowed it to cool before pouring into the mold.
5. The cavities is overfilled in the mold and is let to stand at room temperature until solid.
6. The excess is removed carefully with a hot spatula; then the suppositories are removed from the mold.
7.  The shape, texture and color of the suppositories is observed and recorded.
8. Each of the suppositories is put into a separate beaker or test tube containing distilled water (10 mL and pre-warmed at 37oC) and then, the test tube is put into a water bath (37oC).
9. The time for the suppositories to melt is recorded.

Excess suppository is removed after its get cold


Experiment 3.3.1 Calibration of Suppository Molds with PEG Base
Mold #
Total Weight for 6 suppositories =
Average weight for one suppository =

Table 3.1 Weight for suppositories
Experiment 3.3.2 Preparation of Paracetamol Suppositories
Soft, greasy, and smooth
Intense White
Hard, greasy, and smooth
Hard, less greasy, and smooth

Table 3.2 Characteristic of Paracetamol Suppositories

PEG amount (g)
Time (min)

Table 3.3 Time taken for the paracetamol suppositories to melt

     Generally, suppository preparations are made from solid drugs dispersed in solid ingredients or base. All of the ingredients are measured by weight. When the ingredients are mixed, melted and poured into the suppository mould cavity, they occupy a volume in the mould cavity. Ingredients having different densities causes the suppository to have different weight when the same mould is used. Mould calibrations are required to ensure accurate dose of preparations are produced. This is because the components are measured by weight but compounded by volume.
      Addition of any medicament results in the altering of weight of the suppository. When a drug is placed in a suppository base, it will displace an amount of base as a function of its density. If the drug has the same density as the base, an equivalent weight of the base will be displaced. A greater density drug will displace a proportionally smaller weight of the base.
     To calculate the volume of moulds, empty suppositories are prepared from base material alone.  In extemporaneous preparations, the amount of base required is determined by subtracting the volume of medicaments from the total volume of mould.

Clear white
Intense white
Intense white
Soft and sticky
Moderately hard and slightly sticky
Hard and non-sticky

      The physical appearance of the suppositories is based on the ratio of PEG100 and PEG6000. The higher percentage of PEG6000 in the suppositories, the harder the suppositories is. Suppository I is the softest as it has the highest percentage of PEG1000. PEG1000 has the melting point between 35 and 40 degree Celsius, which is close to human body temperature. When it is inserted to the rectum, it shows stickiness and melts.
     Suppository II is slightly harder and less sticky compared to suppository I due to the combination of PEG1000 and PEG6000. The presence of PEG6000 increases the hardness of the suppository.
Suppository III is the hardest among the three suppositories. It is completely made of PEG6000 which has melting point between 60-63 degree celcius. It is harder to melt at body temperature and thus has a greater solid properties than suppositories I and II

PEG is a water soluble base for suppository. Different types of PEG have different molecular weight ranging from 2000 up to 6000. The differences in molecular weights will contribute to differences in the solubility, freezing point and also the melting point. The higher the molecular weight of the polyethylene glycol, the higher the melting point of the suppositories. Therefore, high molecular weight PEG requires a longer time to melt. PEG 6000 have higher melting point compared to PEG 1000 due to its molecular weight.
Based on the graph above, it can be observed that the graph shows a “V” shape. When no PEG 6000 is added, the formulation is wholly consisted of PEG 1000. The melting point of PEG 1000 is low, which is similar to the normal human body temperature (37°C). Hence, formulation I takes short duration to melt, which only requires 5.3 minutes to start dissolving in the water bath. Formulation II consists of 6 g of PEG 1000 and 3 g of PEG 6000 has melting time of 1.1 minutes. The melting point of PEG 6000 is in the range of (56 – 630) °C. For the formulation III, the suppository is wholly consisted of 9 g of PEG 6000. High composition of PEG 6000 contribute to more of hydroxyl groups (-OH) that are capable to form strong hydrogen bonds with paracetamol. Therefore, longer time is needed to break the bond in order for the suppository to melt and release the drug. Thus, formulation III takes the longest time, 9.12 minutes to start melting in the water bath.
According to the results obtained from the experiment, the average time taken for the suppositories to melt increases as the amount of the PEG 6000 increase from 3g to 9g. However, the time taken drops as the amount of PEG 6000 increases from 0g to 3g. These results do not conform to the theory as errors may occur during the procedures. The suppositories may be contaminated during the compounding process which leads to a lower melting point. Besides, inappropriate handling and measurement of the polyethylene glycol may also affect the results.
      The active ingredient of the suppository formulation is Paracetamol, while the inactive ingredient is Polyethylene Glycol (PEG).  Polyethylene Glycol acts as suppository base, as they possess desirable properties, such as chemically stable and miscible with water and mucous secretion. They have wide range of melting point which results in formation of suppositories of different hardness. The difference between the melting point of PEG1000 and PEG6000 causes different hardness of suppositories produced. Polyethylene Glycol can be used either singly or in combination to get product of satisfactory hardness and dissolution time.
     The active ingredient, Paracetamol is a pain reliever and fever reducer. It is usually be used to relieve mild to moderate pain such as headaches, backache, and menstrual pain.

Different composition of PEG 1000 and PEG 6000 in the suppository base mixture affects the physical characteristics of suppository. The higher the amount of PEG 6000, the harder, the less greasy and the higher the melting point of the suppository.